MADONNA STICKY AND SWEET BRAZILIAN TOUR!YES Madonna cameback with her Sticky and Sweet Tour this year!
And as everybody is talking about her and her tour again... even Per Gessle that attended her concert in Ullevi, Göteborg/Sweden some days ago, I decided to do a revival of her Brazilian Tour!
She PERformed in Brazil in 2008. There were 5 sold-out concerts here:
December 14 & 15 in Rio de Janeiro and December 18, 20 & 21 in São Paulo.
I enjoyed her concerts in Sao Paulo... so here some nice photos of the trip & concerts.
Some Brazilian fans arrived with tends 1 month before the concert!!! This is the "1st row rules" here! I can hear your "wow" now after reading this... haha... have (not so many) fun, be fan!
No, I didn't camp in the line! I was at the 1st row but in the siting area!!! I only "take risks" on Roxette and Gessle concerts!!! Rox On!
Of couse that newspapers found me! Always... impossible to hide... I tried to scape, but I couldn't... have fun, be fan Dany! Face the reporters! Sing on television (almost killed Madonna song!), and show your "creative Madonna style"!!!...
... Yes I'm always with a different "avatar"!!! But This time no "Mrs.Gessle" jacket, but a Madonna Adidas look, boots (something like "this boots are made for walking..."), many "like a virgin" neckless and... "a Britney hat" (they said)! What a miscelany look! Yah these is me! A megamix!
Enjoy this crazy story of the day...
On the photos:
Yes my "almost-ex-future-husband" went we me! He likes Madonna (and hates Per Gessle! Of course... because I was a "Gessle Girl" in the past... was?!? Anyway... forget about it!)
Also in the photo my best college friend Larissa Martins & Grasiela Ceccato (a rox friend too)