To the ones who won't go to Roxette Night Of The Proms Concert in Rotterdan on November 21st I invite to join my bday party here in Brazil!!!
This year my 3.2 will be celebrated with N.O.T.P. theme!
Concerts from Veronica Pires, Madonna official cover and interpreter in Brazil & Roxette Concerts from N.O.T.P. on the screens!
Veronica will present Stick and Sweet Tour, with the same costume design from the Tour. Important: She sings alive!
There will be a special place to the guests and a cocktail with champagne, cake and candies!
As my birthday is on November 22nd, the same day as Roxette producer and band member Clarence Öfwerman, there will be a count down with wonderful ballons! C'mon join the joyride everybody...

Para aqueles que não vão poder ir no show do Roxette na Night Of The Proms Tour em Roterdam na Holanda no dia 21 de novembro, eu convido para celebrar meu niver aqui no Brasil!
Este ano meu 3.2 niver será festejado com o tema da Night Of The Proms!
Shows de Veronica Pires, a cover e interprete oficial da Madonna no Brasil e as apresentações do Roxette na N.O.T.P. Tour nos telões!
Veronica vai apresentar a turnê da Madonna Stick and Sweet, com o mesmo figurino e trocas de roupa. Importante: Ela canta ao vivo!
Haverá camarote vip para os convidados com coquetel com champanhe, bolo e candies!
Como o meu niver é no dia 22 de novembro, o mesmo dia que o produtor e membro da banda do Roxette, Clarence Öfwerman, haverá contagem regressiva a meia noite do dia 21 com "wonderful ballons"! Então... 'C'mon join the joyride everybody'...
***** Celebration *****
I think you wanna come over, yeah I heard it thru the grapevineAre you drunk? Are you sober? Think about it, doesn’t matter And if it makes you feel good then I say do it I don’t know what you’re waiting for Feel my temperature rising It’s too much heat, I’m gonna lose control Do you want to go higher? Get closer to the fire I don’t know what you’re waiting for I’m gonna party, yeah Cause anybody just won’t do Let’s get this started, yeah Cause everybody wants to party with you Boy you got a reputation, but you’re gonna have to prove it I see a little hesitation am I gonna have to show you That if it feels right get on your mark Step to the beat boy that’s what it's for
Put your arms around me When it gets too hot we can go outside But for now just come here let me whisper in your ear An invitation to the dance of life I’m gonna party, it’s a celebration Cause anybody just won’t do Let’s get this started, no more hesitation Cause everybody wants to party with you Haven’t I seen you somewhere before? You look familiar! You wanna dance? Yeah I guess I just don’t recognize you with your clothes on What are you waiting for?
I’m gonna party, it’s a celebration Cause anybody just won’t do Let’s get this started, no more hesitation Cause everybody wants to party with you
Come join the party, it’s a celebration Cause anybody just won’t do Let’s get this started, no more hesitation Cause everybody wants to party with you Boy you got it, it's a celebration Cause anybody just won’t do Let’s get this started, no more hesitation Cause everybody wants to party with you
Boy you got it Cause anybody just won’t do Let’s get this started, no more hesitation Cause everybody wants to party with you(Lyrics by Madonna Celebration)